
15:00-15:15 Opening remarks
Elise Bittenbinder, President and Director at BAfF, the German association of psychosocial care & treatment centers for refugees and victims of torture, chair of the European network for the rehabilitation of victims of torture (Berlin, Germany)
Dr. Ekaterina Sokirianskaia, Director at Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center (St Petersburg, Russia)
15:15 – 15:30 Сollective violence and trauma treatment
Blandine Bruyere, Clinical Psychologist, Ph.D., MHPSS advisor, International Medical Corps (Lyon, France)
15.30-17.00 How to provide comprehensive help to individuals affected by mass violence and grave human rights violations?
Introductory remarks: Tanya Lokshina, deputy director of Human Rights Watch for Europe and Central Asia (Moscow, Russia)
Moderators: Tanya Lokshina, Ekaterina Sokirianskaia
Sergey Ustinov, “Justice Initiative” human rights group, lawyer, board member (Minsk, Belarus)
Elena Gribanova, clinical psychologist, founder of “Help nearby!” anti-crisis center, since August 2020 – volunteer psychologist supporting victims of torture in Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Azad Isazade, clinical psychologist, Chair of the scientific council of the young psychologists’ association, organizing and implementing psychological support work in the villages of Nagorno-Karabakh (Baku, Azerbaijan)
David Gevorgyan, Director of Center for applied psychology at Erevan State University, psychologist, organizing and implementing psychosocial help to the displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh and military servicemen (Erevan, Armenia)
Concluding remarks: Elise Bittenbinder, Blandine Bruyere
Questions for discussion: Crisis and trauma, problems and needs of the victims, what kind of support is being provided now, what is lacking, and how to help
17.10- 18.30 What works in the long-term? Lessons learned from the fields
Moderators: Lenssa Mohammed (BafF, Berlin, Germany), and Ekaterina Sokirianskaia (CAPC)
Doctor Rabich al-Chammai, Psychiatrist of the St Joseph University in Beirut, head of mental health program at the Ministry of Health of Lebanon (Beirut, Lebanon)
Karin Mlodoch, Ass. Professor of social psychology and intercultural practices of SFU (Berlin), a psychologist at the Haukari Center (Germany/Iraqi Kurdistan)
Svetlana Yablonskaya Director of the psychosocial rehabilitation program at the Public Verdict fund, crisis psychologist, logotherapist (Moscow/ Russia)
Questions for discussion: do psychological support programs have a long-term effect? how to combine international approaches and local practices, which mistakes are to be avoided?
How to help victims and not burn yourself out?
Lela Tsiskarishvili, Director at Georgian center for psychosocial and medical rehabilitation of victims of torture, president of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (Tbilisi/Georgia)
18:30-19.00 Recommendations